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Sunday, April 10, 2011

My bitter-sweet wedding night.

The Prince..hath spared me, but I do not believe I want to be spared. For being torn away from my love is worse than the fate of death. I would rather be slain by my own hand than to be torn away from Juliet for the rest of my life!! The Friar told me about the Prince's decision while I hid in my basement.. He bid me go to Juliet one last time before I must leave her. He claims he shall try and fix all this. He shall inform our parents of our wedding and he shall attempt to cool the feud so that she and I might live together once again. I am hopeful that this is how things play out..but just in case; I have bought poison from an apothecary among the locals. While it is meant to be illegal to sell poison the apothecary was too poor to turn down the amount of coin a noble could pay him. Oh dear Juliet..I pray I shall see you soon.