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Sunday, April 10, 2011


This is the end, my friends.. After today; there will be no more Romeo, for my sweet, beautiful, wonderful, dear, dear Juliet..hath died. I know not how, nor why, but without her my reason for living hath been viciously torn from me! Oh confounded fate! Oh blasted Cupid! How can a God exist that would put people through such cruel and unusual torture! I care not that this so-called God will not accept me should I take my own life! I do not wish to share eternity with a God that finds enjoyment in toying with men's emotions! Not after everything he has taken from me! I would rather burn eternally in hell with Satan himself than give 'God' my soul that he hath already destroyed! Farewell my friends. Thank you for all of your support. I shall miss you all.

My bitter-sweet wedding night.

The Prince..hath spared me, but I do not believe I want to be spared. For being torn away from my love is worse than the fate of death. I would rather be slain by my own hand than to be torn away from Juliet for the rest of my life!! The Friar told me about the Prince's decision while I hid in my basement.. He bid me go to Juliet one last time before I must leave her. He claims he shall try and fix all this. He shall inform our parents of our wedding and he shall attempt to cool the feud so that she and I might live together once again. I am hopeful that this is how things play out..but just in case; I have bought poison from an apothecary among the locals. While it is meant to be illegal to sell poison the apothecary was too poor to turn down the amount of coin a noble could pay him. Oh dear Juliet..I pray I shall see you soon.

The death of my best friend, and my cousin

Blasted devil!! Why hath God forsaken me on this day of days? Why hath he abandoned me, and in his stead allowed Satan himself to run rampant through my life?! Just hours after Juliet and my betrothel I walked into the square to find my new cousin, Tybalt, and my beloved best friend, Mercutio, arguing in the squar. As Tybalt drew his sword on me, I declined his challenge and withdrew. Only to find that this infuriated dear Mercutio, who drew his own weapon and then engaged my cousin Tybalt! As I attempted to seperate them I tried to bat away Mercutio's blade, and because of my interference, dear Mercutio was slain by my confounded cousin Tybalt! As Benvolio carried Mercutio away, Tybalt returned. My rage hath blinded me so. I drew mine own blade and charged Tybalt, slaying him only moments later. Oh what shall I do? I am hiding in the Friar Laurance's cell. I am afraid I shall be put to death.

Wedding Pictures

Black and White Photograph of our wedding
Photo taken by Juliet's nurse of the actual ceremony
I thought that I might put a few of the pictures that were taken at our wedding here, just in case we lose them.

The Ceremony

Happy day! Juliet Capulet is now Mrs. Romeo Montague! While the ceremony was small and somewhat brief, we were both overjoyed in the end. Friar Laurence gave us his blessing and tonight we shall have our wedding night. Oh, how I long to be with my Juliet right now.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Wedding

Her nurse hath appeared to me early this morn and told me that she shall get Juliet ready and she shall witness the wedding. By the end of today the rest of the world shall have fallen away and the only thing that will matter any longer will be my sweet, wonderful Juliet. Our marriage shall also end the feud between our families. Surely when we tell our parents they shall see the truth in such a marriage. The only thing that I have concerns about is that Mercutio's cousin, Paris, has also proposed to my beloved. I surely hope that he doth not try and challenge me, t'would be a shame to have to slay him. Oh my wonderful Juliet, tonight you and I shall be one.


Juliet...sweet, sweet Juliet. She proclaimed her love for me as I stood in front of her balcony today. She has sworn that she will marry me by tomorrow's end. This day hath brought many joys for me. Oh, were it not for her blasted old nurse coming to fetch her I think that I might have spent the night with her. Oh how I wish to just place a kiss on her sweet rosy lips. Let nothing besides death tear us apart, lest I should take my own life in the hopes that I might be with her thereafter. She shall send her nurse to ask if the arrangements are made and when we should meet tomorrow. Oh how I ache for tomorrow morn! Cupid's arrow hath struck me straight in the heart, I shall not get any sleep this night for I am far too overjoyed.

Rosaline, who?

Some of the Dancers at the Capulet's party
Oh glorious day!!! Hath I ever loved before now? Oh the beautiful face that belongs to her, Juliet. Oh, confounded Capulets!! How is it they should spawn such a beautiful woman from their wretched loins?! Oh, I must go and see her again tonight. I must look upon that glorious face once again. I must know that she doth feel the same about myself as I do for her. If I could just place a kiss on her sweet, full mouth.. I shall go and wait under her balcony tonight, and pray to the heavens that she doth appear from her room before nights end.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Party Tonight

Benvolio hath asked me to attend the masquerade tonight at the Capulets. He believes that once I see the beautiful women whom will be attending that my heart shall simply forget Rosaline. Doth he think me so desperate? I do not simply leap from one love to another.. Oh sweet Rosaline... Perhaps she shall attend! I shall try one last time to woo her if I do indeed see her. If I do not, then I suspect I shall die. My life shall not be complete without her blessed soul in it.